Empress Green

by CornerStone Marble & Granite Inc.
Slab Size: 117'' x 73''
Slab SQFT: 59.32 SQFT
Price/SQFT: $25

Green inspires many thoughts in today’s society. Fields of green and a healthy environment are just two of them. Green Marble Slabs add a sense of permanence in the structure of the marble and hope in the color green. They are a very interesting selection for a bathroom vanity top. Marble is a metamorphic stone with a timeless history as a flooring, wall covering, paving material and sculptural medium. Think for a moment of the Taj Mahal, the Statue of a David, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and perhaps your local courthouse. Then, you have thought of but a tiny sample of the cultural and utilitarian impact that marble has had on human civilization

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